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  • Who - Jonah Yue
  • What - Web developer and graphic designer.
  • Where - New York City.
  • Likes - Color Contrasts. Linear patterns.
    Soft edges. Smooth contours.
  • Enjoys - Melodies and Storylines.
NameJonah Yue Logo


  • Employment

    • Web / UI Designer

      SogoTrade (2008 - Present)

      • Design and maintain the overall look and feel of and SogoTrade's web platform and trading products.

      • Projects start with building wireframe, mock up in Fireworks, Photoshop, and then is developed using html, css and javascript.

      • Build web pages in Visual Studio to enable seamless integration with backend developers.
      • Design newspaper print advertisements, web banners and other marketing materials with Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
      • Record and edit company podcast, marketing and trading education videos.

      Web / Graphic Designer

      Global Education New York (2002 - 2008)

      • Create and maintain Company websites using Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash.
      • Designed and formatted layout of School Newsletter and weekly newspaper advertisements.
      • Created brochures, catalogs and other marketing materials for final production with Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop.
      • Recorded and edited online training materials.
    • Web Designer

      InkMark Inc(1999 - 2002)

      • Web page interface design, testing and publishing using Dreamweaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Fireworks.
      • Monitored Windows NT on a daily basis. Created user, workgroups and domains.
      • Installed, troubleshooted and maintained company systems as part-time network administrator.
    • Web Master

      TAC Computers Inc (1996 - 1999)

      • Designed and programmed web pages for an online computer catalog system using html/dhtml
      • Created graphics and designed company logo using Photoshop and Illustrator
      • Developed a payroll database in Visual Basic/Access.
  • Education

    • Bachelor of Arts
      Electronic Multimedia Design 2002

      City College, City University of New York

    • Bachelor of Business Administration, Computer Information Systems 1999

      Baruch College, City University of New York

  • Design Skills

    Proļ¬cient in CSS, HTML, javascript, jQuery, Adobe Flash, Frieworks, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Efects, DreamWeaver, Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Visiual Studio, basic C# and .net. Logo


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